One of the most profound books I’ve ever read is Viktor Frankl’s Man’s Search for Meaning. Frankl, a psychiatrist and Holocaust survivor, wrote about his experiences in concentration camps and the incredible resilience of the human spirit. His central idea is simple but powerful: even in the darkest circumstances, we have the ability to find meaning—and that meaning gives us the strength to endure and grow.
Frankl observed that those who survived immense suffering were often the ones who had a purpose beyond themselves—a reason to keep going. He believed that meaning can be found in three ways: through work, through love and relationships, and through how we face suffering. Frankl was the founder of a school of psychotherapy called Logotherapy that focused on the finding of meaning in life as primary human motivation. While we may not control what happens to us, we always control how we respond.
This lesson is deeply relevant to us today. In business and in life, we will face challenges, uncertainty, and change. Many of them out of our control. But if we stay focused on our purpose—on the impact we create, the people we serve, and the growth we achieve together—we can navigate any obstacle.
As Frankl wrote, “Those who have a ‘why’ to live can bear almost any ‘how.’” Let’s stay committed to our purpose, support one another, and continue building something meaningful.
Carlos Banchik, P.E.