The Four Agreements
Typical onboarding procedures include learning about objectives, policies, benefit programs, and general job circumstances, as well as signing a variety of legal documents. Here at Innova, though, you are asked to also read one book. To showcase the values of the company, employees are asked to read Don Miguel Ruiz’s “The Four Agreements” when they first begin their employment. This past month, our team-building activity was centered around The Four Agreements, where we had a brief reintroduction to the book and had a discussion amongst ourselves on what the lessons mean to us.The four agreements are as follows:
1. Be Impeccable with your word.
This means to speak with integrity and say only what you mean, avoiding talking down on yourself or to others. Integrity is one of our greatest core values here at Innova. We understand that the way we treat others is a direct reflection of how we treat ourselves.
2. Don’t take anything personally.
Understanding that nothing others do is because of you, it’s a projection of their reality. Especially when working on a project, our top priority is assuring the best customer service and the best product to our clients. When working together as a team, we all have one common goal–to pursue quality and excellence.
3. Don’t make assumptions.
Asking questions is the backbone of effective learning, it is a tool for avoiding misunderstandings and ensuring that everyone is on the same page. Our team's ability to communicate effectively is critical.
4. Always do your best.
We believe that self-fulfillment comes from being able to certainly state you did your best, regardless of what that looks like under any circumstance. We can confidently say that we are always producing our best work, and never plan to fall short of that. Quality of work is one of our major values here at Innova. By holding ourselves to the highest standards, we are in turn holding our team to the highest standards, and guaranteeing that we are delivering quality work to our clients.
At INNOVA Technologies, we promote teamwork, quality, enjoyment of work, and integrity. In every project that Innova undertakes, our principles are encouraged, verified and reinforced. Contact us at 702-220-6640 or visit our website at www.innovanv.com.